New Version - v 0.3.0 (28-05-2022)

Hi all,

I've just uploaded the latest version of Delivery Pilot: Dreams and Debts. This one focuses on balance and UI changes. If you find any issues, please let me know! If there are any, then I'll try to build a bug fix version next week.

The next release will focus on new scenes and update to old ones. This one might take a while to come out, but I hope the added scenes will make it worth it!

Change Log:

  1. Bug Fix: If 2 obligations apply to the same slot, then the lesser obligation was applied, instead of the greater one.
  2. Game Balance: The subordinate bonus only looks 1 rank down, instead of all the way down. This makes the colonel and general rank payout to be smaller.
  3. Game Balance: Relationship levels 3 and above only take 3 relationship points to level up. This will let the main character build a relationship with an officer faster.
  4. UI: When an officer offers an obligation, the player will be notified if the obligation can be re-rolled, or not.
  5. UI: Added a skip button for the story segments. This should make the game flow much faster.
  6. UI: The officer and station information panels will now give the player more information about officers. In particular, the panels will now state an officer or subordinate's personality, and also state if the officer can offer jobs or not.

There are also a few things I wanted to add, but I ran out of time. I'd like to add these in a future update:

  1. Gameplay: The player should have an option to finish the game early, if they have more credits than the total debt left.
  2. Gameplay: When rolling for an obligation to be offered by an officer, the game should select the highest level obligation possible. This should make the results more interesting. This idea was suggested in a comment, and I think it's a great idea. In the current setting, I think getting a low level obligation for a high relationship level is pretty un-fun.
  3. UI: The obligations displayed in a station's information panel could be better. This is something I want to revisit.

That being said, the next release will be focused on writing, and not on UI or gameplay changes.



Get Delivery Pilot: Dreams and Debts


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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the update!

The game is much easier now, with morale being not a problem, but this will change when you'll add the morning scenes, higher Level obligations and passenger interactions.

In the late game, I've usually maxed out all evening activities to Level 13, 14 or 15 (i theory) but I've never seen them getting higher than 11, as there are not enough activities to choose something else before repeating the same (and resetting it). You should consider slowing down the progression here.

An option to finish earlier might be useful, but the Player could might miss some high level obligations.

The clothes obligations now work without bugs, but the Flavour for some higher level clothes doesn't match:

- If the MC agrees to wear a sexy bra AND  neither Jacket nor Shit, and visits the officer who wants her to wear the bra, the description says how she has to unbutton her shirt and then put it back on again. But she's not wearing it at all!

- even if the shirt is merely unbuttoned, the Bra becomes clearly visible, so there's no need for an examination.

- The "short office Skirt" should be renamed. It's too short and too colourful to pass the dress code in any office I know. You could rename it a miniskirt or something like that.

- the front and back view some items doesn't match:

- the "short office Skirt" is visibly smaller in the front view

- the "sexy Bra" has a different shade.

The higher rank Officers pay more, but the mission Flavour is the same as for captains (furniture, documents etc.). It would be much more immersive if the higher pay was due to them having more important things to send.

Focusing on writing stuff is a good idea, while UI and gameplay needs some improvements, they are generally fine.


Sweet, thank you for letting me know about those continuity issues! Yeah, that is kinda weird, lol. One of the things I would like to do soon is revise the conditions for when certain scenes play. For example, like you said, maybe not have the main character unbutton a shirt, if she's not wearing one to begin with.

Tell you a secret, I'm actually working with MutantPrawn to redo the paper doll. I'm also planning some small changes to the outfit. The biggest change I would like to make is in regards to her shirt. I'd like to give her a blouse and a tanktop, instead of different levels of unbuttonedness of the current shirt. But, I also want to make that skirt more appropriate for an office, lol. I do hope that through these changes, I can outline a progression from generally masculine or androgynous, to more feminine, and then finally to a bit sluttified. This also means that I will revisit the existing scenes, eventually. I've been prototyping some dynamic scenes, and I think I'm getting better with practice.

If it's okay with you, I'd like to credit you in the game, under special thanks, for helping me balance and polish the game to where it is today. I don't think I could have done it, without the feedback that I've consistently gotten over the last many weeks, and I'm really thankful for that. Even if I haven't implemented an idea, it always gave me something to think about. Would that be okay with you?


Yes, I would feel honoured. Thank you!

New artwork: OK, I hope it will be even better than the current one. Please make sure the front and back view match for all Items.

The current progression already feels good. please add new items in addition to the current ones, not instead of them. She starts wearing an outfit expected from an ex-military Blue Collar "space Trucker". The first Obligations make her change to a more formal office style dress and the high level Obligations are already very slutty (e.g. wearing a short office Skirt combined with high Heels and Gaudy Makeup). In my last game, on one station the pilot has lost her jacket and shirt (wearing only the sexy bra) but she still wore her Trousers and Work Boots and no Makeup. That looked sexy but not particularly feminine. I hope you won't change that.

Thanks, yeah, that's my intention, as well. I love the spectrum between masculine and practical on one end, professional and feminine in the middle, and then finally quite erotic on the other end. I think they contrast each other quite well and accentuate each others' value, in a yin/yang sort of way. I hope to keep that.

When I was making the outfit obligations, I had a choice. I could curating her look, meaning for example, you couldn't get a certain panties obligation until you had a certain lower outfit obligation. Maybe the game could control and coordinate her look a bit, make it consistent. Or, I could be more hands off, and let the RNG do its own thing and give us interesting and maybe surprising results. To me, the latter is quite cool. I love it when games can give us novel, sometimes strange, and sometimes pleasantly surprising emergent results, haha.

I'm really glad to hear that the Blue Collar Americana vibe came across! That's what I was hoping for! Sort of like Cowboy Bebop, Serenity, or Rimworld. :D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, can confirm obligation slot bug is fixed :)

Found single bug, with officer job availability screen in station view:
Steps to reproduce:
Talk to officers first - before checking officers menu. After taking to officers, and checking menu officers have misaligned job offer value. Only happens when one of them doesn't offer a job.

Probably mentioned this already but Sanity check when MC made a deal preventing her wearing the shirt:

Mistake in 'protext'. Suggest removal of 'her' in 'Only her bra' for better readability. Also really like that part saying 'only bra will protect her modesty now' :D small flavour texts like this are great

Tried to post screenshots, but itch doesn't cooperate  /:


Thanks for letting me know! Do you mean in the mission description panel, the text overflows into the next line? Or, does it flow out off the box? I'll keep an eye out. :)

Also, thank you for the kind words about the writing. That's the part I'm most nervous about, so it's good to hear that I'm going in the right direction.

Would it be okay with you if I credited you in the game, under special thanks? I remember you are one of the earliest commenters on my efforts, and I appreciate you always giving me invaluable feedback ever since. Going forward, the game is going to become even more complex to build, so I'll need your help more than ever.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for your words :)

Meaning in the 'Menu', under Stations(2) tab. Issue is some officers are suppossed to offer jobs while in reality they don't.

What can I say, I can only encourage kind of stuff I enjoy as well. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find harassment(not sex based)/enf/wardrobe focused games, with world reacting to your attire/actions :D

Haha, of course I agree on being credited. I personally believe creators are not appreciated enough, therefore my spam. I think you came with brilliant idea and I can only impatiently wait for more :P

Also as I have said in the beginning if you're considering starting patreon or something you can count on my support :D


Haha, thanks! Yeah, I love games that focus on outfits. It's hard to make. All the writing and gameplay and art assets have to cope with all the variations. I can understand if developers don't really want to tackle that. But I really wanted it, so when I set out to make this game, I put outfit variety (and voluntary obligations) as my highest priority. I'll try to fit everything else around that.

I also like erotic games that don't go straight into sex. There are a few games, where they focus more on tension and relationships, and you know what some characters want from others. There might be unwanted touching, or coerced exposure. To me, that's a lot more interesting. Ultimately, the characters will get their desserts, eventually. But I want to savor the journey, too. 

My goals for the relationship levels is that (roughly) at RL 2 she will agree to physical contact, at RL 4 she will accept nudity (which is why at RL5, she could start walking around without clothes on), and at RL 6 she will begin providing some services. At that point, she will have descended into putting effort for someone - at least someone she knows well - else's pleasure. It won't be sex yet, but it's everything just short of that. By RL 8, they will have known each other very closely for a long time and will finally have sex. But, I don't expect players to reach RL 8 with many officers or maybe any at all. So, sex isn't really the focus of the game. It should be special and unique, with officers that the main character knows deeply by then. Otherwise, my main hope is to focus on the gradually escalating work place harassment. :D


Boy, do I love your honey words :D

So if I understand correctly:

RL4 - Things like stripping naked, doing tasks nude, etc.

RL6 - What services do you mean ? Like blowjobs etc. ?

Because for me personally my favorite heroine archetype is prude being forced into embarassing situations, where she's ashamed and passive. But inside she hates every second of it. And ideally without sex, but with lots of groping and teasing.


Nice, I think we are very much on the same page, lol. A prude being forced into embarrassing situations is definitely the angle I want to go with this character. There was a time when I was thinking about a design dilemma. I could have made it such that she started off prudish but later became more enthusiastic about it. But, then I thought it wouldn't make much sense if she was enthusiastic about it on one station, and then skittish about it on another station. So, I decided that she should keep a tone of being annoyed about it, just bearing with it, throughout the whole game.

I'm also thinking about giving her a slightly different tone with each of the officer personality types. I think you'll like the sleazy officer events the most. I want to make them such that the main character professionally smiles at the officer, while also cursing him off inside her head.

I do have other character archetypes that I really like, but I'll have to save them for another game, lol.


There is not much to say about this release, except thank you :-)

Game balance: Although still too easy for a veteran player like me, it now feels much better than the previous versions. The relationship level speed feels perfect now. As level 4/6 obligations (and also the morning scenes?) will nerf high level officers in future due to the morale loss, further balancing seems for me like low prio at the current state of development.

UI: I didn't like 4. very much, IMHO you must not explain every rule in your game, and it somewhat disturbs the text flow. But as it was a request of other users, I think it is okay. It took a while until I got used to 5., but it helps a lot. 6. is a great improvement.

So keep up the good work! I think I will take a break from your game for a while, as I have probably seen everything of the current version and can easily beat it, but I will surely come back for the next version. I'm really curious to see the higher level obligations!

Thank you too, for always giving me great feedback. :) Getting feedback from you and others here is what really encourages me to keep developing this game! :D

I really appreciate how much time and thought you put into testing this game and giving me your insights. Without your help, the game really wouldn't be where it is now. Would it be okay for me to add you to the credits, under special thanks?


If you should ever add a special thanks section, I would feel honored if you put me in. But it is low prio, other development is much more important ;-)

I've  read the comments of the other users, and there are a few points I want to add.

- More different clothing items (like HoshiHonk proposed) sounds nice in the first few, but it has a major twist. Already in the current endgame, her look often is not very slutty because many clothing slots have the non-slutty version. If you add more slots, this feeling could increase. Imagine she wears neither panties nor bra, but both is invisible because she still wears her trousers and shirt. Additionally, she has stockings (also invisible), high heels, and maybe a sexy hair cut. I am by no means against the idea of more clothing slots and therefore more variation, but I think you then have to rebalancing your clothing obligations, like adding two of them starting level 4.

- About the style of your game, I really like it. In adult games, you normally can't wait to see the lewd scenes, and normally they get served pretty fast. Your game is different. First, it takes a while until you make a progress, what I really like. Then, of course I am eager to see the lewd scenes, but at the other hand I fear to see them because they result in morale drop. At the moment morale is not that important, but I guess in later versions you constantly struggle to keep your morale up. If you reach this, you achieved the unique thing in your game that sexual harassment really feels like harassment, not like a reward.

Hey, thanks! Sounds like I'm going in the right direction, then. I do think balancing morale against income will become harder with more future scenes, which is why I don't want to nerf income right now. Or at least, that's my intention, anyway. Without that, I don't think it would be a good game that I could be proud of.

In regards to the clothing items, I should clarify; I'm actually working with MutantPrawn to make a brand new doll. The outfit parts in the game will (largely) stay the same. They'll just get new artwork. The one thing I do intend to change are the shirt options. I wasn't satisfied with it being the same shirt, at different levels of buttonage. Now, I'm planning on 3 different kinds of shirts. I'm hoping that the 3 shirts will appropriately represent a transition from masculine -> feminine -> slutty and fallen from grace.