Update (24-Jun-2023)

Hi All,

Just want to give a quick update and some good news.

A couple weeks ago, I unfortunately had to reset my computer. Last week, I was able to rebuild my development environment. As a test, I rebuilt the game in a windows format and a web format, and both builds seem to work. It still feels kind of awkward for me, because it's not exactly the same is it used to be. But I'm sure I'll get used to it, and I think I'm in a good place now to continue development. I even found a bug from last time. One of the silhouettes for a scene had the wrong orientation, portrait instead of landscape. I fixed that and ran it, and it looks correct, now.

That's all for now! I'll see if I can wrap up the writing for the sleazy female's evening scene, next week. If all goes well, then I can start adding it to the game. This will be the second and last scene I will add to the game for the next release. The first scene covers everything that can happen in the morning, when visiting a sleazy female officer. Once the second scene is added to the game, I'll still have to test it. This will take some time, but once that's done, I'll be ready to release version 0.9.


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