
Hi All,

Just wanted to give maybe a last update.

Unfortunately, I’ve decided to stop working on my games. I have some high priority real life things to sort through. But, I always imagined I would come back, when I can really sink my teeth into development, again. However, because of recent Unity licensing changes, I no longer feel comfortable working with that game engine.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you to everyone who followed me in this journey. It was really fun talking to you and hearing your feedback. A lot of the features I added to my games were thanks to your great suggestions. I wish you all the best.


Get Delivery Pilot: Dreams and Debts


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They fired the CEO that came up with the dumb idea, please come back!  I can bribe you!


It was a great game, thanks for your hard work.


Unity has officially backpedaled.

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Unity may backpedal; they're under huge pressure and come to their senses.

I'll greatly miss this project.

Is there any possibility that you could open source this or let someone else continue?


That's sad news, but with the Unity license plans, it's understandable. I hope that you find time to come back to programming one day, and find another engine with a more friendly license. Personally, I use the QT framework, which is licensed under the LGPL (AFAIK; I never really cared because I never released my projects). Yes, this is not a game engine but only a GUI framework, but for things like DP it is enough. However, I don't know how good it mixes up with managed code, I always used it with C++.


I understand, Good Luck friend for the future!💪


I'm sorry, but I understand.

Have you already chosen a new engine or are you still considering your options?

In any case good luck for you future projects, I look forward to them

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Thanks for developing DP! It's a shame about Unity. Your decision is understandable and you'll be dearly missed :(

Take care!


Damn, sad to see you go but I wish you the best! Thank for the games and I hope to see you again in the future!


No worries, we understand. Here's wishing you the best of luck with your future endeavours.